This course management system (CMS) is for education providers that have or intend to have courses certified for distance education certification or education content certification (these are two different processes).
Having Trouble Logging In?
If you are unable to login, you should be seeing an error message after each login attempt providing feedback on what went wrong. If you are trying to login and receiving no error messages, please try clearing your browser's cookies. Cookies are small text files that websites use to remember who you are across page requests. If you're not familiar how to clear your cookies, please refer to Google's help page on the subject here: http://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?hl=en.
Need an Account?
New organizations that have never certified courses or do not have an account should contact us by phone at (312) 300-4800 or email info@arello.org and one of our staff members will create a New Profile for your organization that will allow you access to the course management system.